Thursday 21 June 2018

100 Word Challenge Week #36

Back in the day there used to be an old tavern with the meanest gang in the county dwelling near. the new sheriff has been dreaming of locking them up. Then one day he the middle of town square the gang leader Jonny Oakridge opened fire on some civilians when luckily the new sheriff stepped in and grasped the barrel of Jonny’s revolver and bent it pointing towards the sky. Jonny was later locked up and gave information to us about his gang mates. Now a days there is a statue honoring the sheriff who brought down the meanest guy in the county.

Tuesday 5 June 2018

100 Word Challenge Week #34

I had woken. I then realized that it was breakfast time. My mom made me an omelette with too much salt, she had claimed she sprinkled it on but I obviously think not. I got on the bus feeling hungry because I didn’t eat that “omelette” what vegetable in an omelette is pink? As we went under the bridge, we saw people dressed like flowers. I remembered it was the flower parade and that my favourite flower is the Daffodil. I herd a crack then a scream I had now realized the huge bridge over top of us had fallen.

Thursday 1 March 2018

100 Word Challenge Week #22

My dad made me fix the chimney, I was cleaning it out when a brick came unlogged it broke through the roof and all the way through the house then broke my fish’s tank. I flew down the ladder to see what had happened then I saw my goldfish flopping on the floor, I brought it to the sink then filled it up with water. I then noticed the brown brick surrounded by glass; I slowly crept over to it trying not to hurt myself when I herd the loudest crack ever. I then realized that my floor gave out…

Thursday 15 February 2018

100 Word Challenge Week#20

My family and I drove to the carnival. My parents wanted to see the performances but my brother and I wanted to ride “The Cyclone”, the fastest ride ever! Our parents rode the Ferris Wheel  while we went on almost every coster except
“The Cyclone”. We spent the rest of the day eating cotton candy and drinking lemonade, then Mom and Dad  dragged us to watch the fireworks we watched a little then snuck off to ride “The Cyclone”. I got straped in then the operator leaned on the swich and cranked it up to maximum we were moving very fast when